Theme Verse...

"They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of His splendor." Isaiah 61:3b

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Spiritual Parenting

Hello Parents of CLCC!

We came away from an amazing time at our Children's Conference ELEVATE, feeling excited about this concept of Spiritually Parenting our children. We are hoping that this blog will be a place where you as parents can come and see what is happening at the TREEFORT, but also find resources and helpful tips in spiritually parenting the heart of your child. We hope you will be blessed, challenged and supported as we journey with you through this incredible journey of spiritual parenthood.


The Treefort Team


1. Mother's Day - Sunday May 8th 2011 - Preschoolers Special Presentation. Please bring students to their classrooms by 9am and please plan to stay for BOTH services.

2. Kids Give Back Sunday - May 29, 2011 - If your child would like to get involved please contact Pastor Monica or Nelia Evans.

3. VBS - July 18-22 2011 - Summer is just around the corner and so is VBS! We are relying on you, our wonderful volunteers, to join us in making this year's VBS another success! Please pray and give some thoughts as to how you might be able to bless our children and the children of our community through this year's VBS - Camp Metamorphose!

Pastor Monica would like to send her heart-felt thanks and gratitude for all of the love, support and care shown to her and her family in the last few weeks. Blessings!